Thursday, November 14, 2013

GIVEAWAY! Non-Toxic Terressentials Organic Left Coast Lemon Body Wash!

This Giveaway Is Now Closed

It's a FREE giveaway from the Queen! I am giving away for FREE the full sized organic body wash product you see in the photo to the left! There are FIVE ways to enter! If you are the winner I will mail you this 8 oz bottle of organic body wash!  Two ways that you can enter right now: Just comment here on this blog post that you are a follower. You can ignore the request that asks for an URL, it can be left blank. Even easier to comment on The Queens Table facebook post about this giveaway that you have become a follower of our facebook page, or are already a follower of The Queens Table facebook page. So share the good news with your online friends! This is a fantastic non toxic product!!! Just go to the bottom of this post for the complete rules.

As I have promised dear readers, I wanted to share my good fortune of winning second prize in the photo contest that Terressentials had for its Sideroads Music Project. Even though they will not be using my photo (seen below) on their webpage, I did receive a gift certificate to the Terressentials store as the second prize for my entry. So I decided to purchased a few of their personal body care products and have a giveaway at the blog. Thus I will be giving away "1" full size eight ounce bottle of the 'Terressentials Certified Organic Left Coast Lemon Body Wash' for free to one lucky winner! You will be smelly good, and I will pay for shipping and handling! Sound like fun? I plan on having more giveaways to followers in the near future too! Please share this post with your friends, and on whatever social media you enjoy.

As you may know from a previous post about the Terressentials company, I was thrilled to find I could not only order their products online, but also visit a brick and mortar store in Frederick Maryland too! Very cool that one of the absolute best organic personal care companies in the world is located right in the Mid Atlantic area! As a person who was diagnosed with breast cancer I am confident that Terressentials brand is the purest form of personal care body products that I can buy! They have nothing to hide, and do not use fake wording that relies on terms like "all natural." The caring hand crafters at Terressentials feel 'natural' means only the finest organic and wild crafted ingredients. They do not use cheap chemicals, carcinogens, chemical dyes, or synthetic detergents. There are no foam boosters, fragrances, or preservatives either. Certainly no drug-store ingredients with some "organic" tea thrown in the mix like some other so called "organic" fake out brands. This is the real deal folks! Real ingredients from the earth, not a 27 step process in a laboratory. I feel safer using any of their organic non-toxic products. Terressentials uses medicinal grade essential oils, not cheap colorless fragrances, so the aromas are more intense. They say the 'Left Coast Lemon Body Wash' may transport you to an organic citrus grove on a warm sunny day. Sounds yummy! I already use the peppermint version of this body wash and I can say it really works and has the strong scent and feel of tingly peppermint! I am going to try the lemon version of the Terressentials body wash next. As I love lemon scented products! Plus I was one of those "Love's Lemon" girls in the sixties! "Wear your love like heaven...or was that lemon?!"

On another topic...Next Wednesday I am going to have cataract surgery on my left eye, and there may be a lull in posts after that time. A few weeks later I will have the second eye repaired. Having never had such a procedure I do not know what I will feel like doing afterwards. I will try to put out a few posts, although no promises right now. At least you will have this little pre-holiday goodie to think about in the meantime. If all goes well with the Queen's eyes perhaps we can celebrate with another free giveaway at 'The Queens Table Blog' afterwards! Think calm healing thoughts, and send them my way! The doctor says I may see the world differently than I have in years! I was diagnosed with cataracts when I was only twenty nine, so I am not surprised that it is now time to do something about my poor night vision. The doctor cannot see past the cataract to view how the rest of my eye is doing. Plus seeing stars around lights at night is not normal... geez, and I thought I was just being spacey!

If you would like a free chance to try out this 'Terressentials Organic Left Coast Lemon Body Wash,' just follow the rules below to enter the Queen's Table Blog Giveaway!


This giveaway is open only to residents of the United States age 18 or older, and giveaways must be legal in your state of residence (Void where prohibited by law). 

This giveaway will run from 11/14/2013 to 12/12/2013. Giveaway Over.

No duplicate comments. I will verify all comment submissions, and I will delete all comments that are spam. Entering means you agree with the methods used for this giveaway, and in no way hold me responsible for the product in the giveaway, or for the receipt of product should you be the winner. If you agree to my rules for this giveaway, you can enter by choosing one or more of the following ways listed below to enter.

You may submit up to five entries by selecting from the following entry methods: 

a) Follow this blog on Facebook, and leave a comment on the actual 'Queens Table Facebook post' about this giveaway and state that you are now a follower of The Queens Table Blog on Facebook. 

b) You can also leave a comment on this giveaway blog post below stating that you have become a facebook follower of The Queens Table. If you are already a facebook follower you can leave a comment below about that fact as well.
c) Follow this blog via blogger and leave a comment below about that factoid.
d) Tweet (public message) about this giveaway, and leave the link URL in a blog comment below.
e) Write about this giveaway in a blog post, which also includes that you will be receiving an extra entry for doing so, and leave the link to that URL in a comment below.

If you win: You must leave a way for me to contact you, especially if you do not follow The Queens Table on facebook. I should be able to message a facebook follower easily. If you do not follow on facebook this must be done via email in your blog comment response after I announce you as the winner. If that is the case, please write out your email address all in words with no symbols as in the following example "emailname at yourdotcom" as this will protect you. Do not use the "at" symbol. The winner will have 72 hours from my announcement on facebook, and at this blog, to respond, or I will chose another winner. I will be using a random number generator to chose the winner from all forms of entry to this giveaway.


I am getting a lot of traffic to this page many months after this give-away ended. Could you please leave me a comment, let me know how you found this blog post, and what information you were searching on the internet. Thank you.

Friday, November 8, 2013

What's That? A Sunchoke! Crazy Little Thing A.K.A. The Jerusalem Artichoke

It's gnarly! It's a bombly! It's crunchtastic! It's the sunchoke! This crazy rascal can be seen this time of year in the fresh produce department. When I see a fresh flock of these funny looking dudes I get em'! Use these hard crispy little critters as you would water chestnuts in Asian recipes, raw in salads, or even cook them like potatoes. Usually I just scrape off the skin and slice them up raw. If I purchase a bunch of them in a package, I will use one or two an evening depending on the size of the tuber. Make sure the sunchokes are fresh, then they could last you a couple weeks in the fridge. Who doesn't like that?

Sometimes you will see them listed as 'Jerusalem Artichokes.' Funny thing though, the sunchoke is not an artichoke, or from Jerusalem. It is a member of the sunflower family with edible tubers. It is a Native North Eastern American plant. Sunchokes are a good source of thiamin, phosphorous, potassium, iron and vitamin C. It is said that when eaten often, sunchokes help reduce blood sugar levels in diabetics, even though the tubers do have a high fructose content. This is from the inulin levels of the tuber which also helps with intestinal bacteria. Although it is written on the internet that sunchokes can create flatulence in some people, it is also reported that removing the skin eliminates that issue. I have never noticed a problem at all with that concern, perhaps because I have always removed the skin. 

I love very crunchy things, and most of the time I add the sunchokes sliced raw into salads or a good stir-fry. Last night I did something different for me and added them to a simple seasonal veggie mix of organic mushrooms, split Brussels sprouts, and CSA baby carrots. I water sauteed all ingredients for a few minutes with 1/2 tsp coconut oil. Some thoughtful cooks would put a little lemon juice over the sunchokes to keep the flesh from turning brown. It did not sit long enough before I ate it to even start to turn brown. The fresh veggie mix tasted yummy!

Try this funny knobby sunchoke tuber that adds serious snap to your dish! Hopefully you too will enjoy this tuber, once cultivated by the original Native Americans, in your recipes.